Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thought For This Day

Stop looking so much for God's help, and start looking for His GLORY!!! We should be thinking not of what we can get from God, but what we can give to way of our constant, total surrender.

Tracy Chard

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Have a Blessed Christmas

This year and onwards I will spend this day with my Lord and Saviour. Do not grieve but Bless Him who has welcomed me to his table --------------- ZHYA

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


IF HE BRUISED HIS OWN SON, HE WILL ALSO BRUISE US.........TO OUR ETERNAL BENEFIT. We must not equate love with everything going right. That is not the manifestation of God, unlike what the "holy-rollers" say. He will do whatever is necessary in our lives to achieve perfection of relationship with us......never mind all the human definition of perfection. For this, we are cast into the fire.........of LOVE. We must have peace about our lives, and stop comparing ourselves to others who have achieved "what is humanly possible". Let us instead seek God with whole-hearted surrender so that He can begin to impart His LIFE to others through us, in spite of our faults and weaknesses!!

Tracy Chard

Monday, December 15, 2008

Some More thoughts from ZHYA

"For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but prepare for eternal life...............right? There is a huge difference between preparing for eternal life and having it. We are to LIVE this life here and now..not wait for eternity...that is the Christian life.........but it is also about transformation .....till we are conformed to His image this is a daily process..........when we work out our salvation by denying ourselves."(Luke 9:23)

"This is brilliant.....just as everyone has cancer cells ...all humans are born with sin and the only anecdote we have is the blood of Christ....may this truth be told far and wide !!
Praise Him"

"The top down bottom Up approach..............This is nothing but the rapture................................................... he meets us in the air remember we go up and He comes down and that's exactly where the New Jerusalem will be !!!!!!!"

"You dont start [at the beginning] become one with both the beginning the end and everything in between...............Christ Himself."

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One month since ZHYA went to Join his Lord & Saviour

We Miss You ZHYA
But in our faith we believe you are in a better place and in his tender loving care

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

America For Christ

"God is blind he does not see nationality , skin color, economic status..He responds to the heart. So to say anyone needs Christ more is untrue. Everyone needs Him.....but it is only the seekers who find Him. While I do not doubt America needs the gospel as much as India does I also know that a prophet is not recognized in their own backyard. So while [her] audience may include some in her own country she will be welcomed overseas.........she can take India while I focus on bringing America to Christ.

We have it worked out..........."

"There are no restrictions to the number of times you can be born again. Everytime I hear truth, I receive a fresh Word from God, I see His infinite wisdom I feel like I am born again. It is because everything I experienced before that pales in comparison to the freshness of His instant speaking. So I would encourage you to be born again................again and again and experience this wonderful rebirth everyday of your life. It is the only way to fight the complacency that we so easily settle for. It is the way to LIFE a continuous rebirth where we grow from glory to glory."

"Christians don't go to heaven...........they don't need to go anywhere....they simply bring heaven to earth. Now that's definitely worth living for. A gospel focussed on this life not on the after life. That is what we all need to hear."


Friday, December 5, 2008